In My Mailbox is a weekly book meme hosted by The Story Siren. It posts on Sundays, so go check out her blog and join in the fun if you're not already!
I opened my mailbox this week to some lovely surprises. I'm not accustomed to getting surprise gifts in the mail, but this week I received two books and a necklace, so I thought I'd share them with you! If you're one of the lovely people who sent me one of these items, thank you!
Early in the week I received a package that had in it, not a book, but a necklace. I didn't remember signing up to win it, though I might have and I was fairly intreagued that it had come from someone named Kersten Hamilton, since both my first and last names are very, very similar to hers. I did some looking around and learned that the necklace was handmade to Hamilton's book Tyger, Tyger. Receiving it intrigued me enough to track down and buy the book, which is going on my review list (as soon as I get it moved to this blog, that is).
Lovely, isn't it?! Thank you, Kersten!
The day after the necklace arrived, I received another package, and this time there was a book inside! I actually knew this one was coming because I had agreed to review it. The book was The Civilized World by Susi Wyss. I've recieved several eBooks for review, either by authors, publishing companies, or through my beloved NetGalley, but this is the first physical book I've received. Seeing how I'm new to this whole book blogging gig (or relatively new, since this is a restart), I've been thrilled to receive every one!
The book is quite pretty and very nicely bound. I cannot wait for the Spring semester to close, my classes to be over, my students to scurry off to their summer breaks, so that I can devote more time to reading all of these books I've been recieving (if I own you a review, it's coming soon, I promise).
Late in the week, I received the third and final package. I could feel that it was another book and when my husband handed me the package he gave me the strangest look. He's been giving me such a hard time (in a good way, of course) about all of the books and things I've been getting in the mail of late. This one came from London, England--I've never received Royal Mail, before, so I kept the envelope--from Savita Kalhan. The book enclosed was The Long Weekend and not only did she send me her book, which looks fantastic, she also signed it!
Like the other, this book is going on my list for review. I can't wait to read it. It's not a terribly long read, so it shouldn't take me long. Also, I love, love the cover!!
Thanks again to those who sent me these lovely gifts, I look forward to reading them!!

that necklace is just so beautiful! i have been wanting to get a copy of the long weekend coz i've been intrigued by the plot... i hope that you'll enjoy these books! happy reading!